health tips how dangerous air pollution for heart health patients face these problems

health tips how dangerous air pollution for heart health patients face these problems

Air Pollution and Heart Health : November is about to end. Now it is becoming pinkish cold in the morning and evening. Along with this, air pollution is also increasing. The Air Quality Index (AQI) is around dangerous levels in most parts of North India including Delhi. This poor quality of air is causing great harm to the health of the people living there. When inhaled, the pollutants present in the air reach the lungs and also affect the health of the kidneys and heart.

Many researches conducted so far have shown that air pollution increases the risk of heart health. This can weaken the heart. These patients may have many types of problems.

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Air pollution poses a threat to the heart

What problems do heart patients face due to pollution?

1. Air pollution can increase the risk of heart diseases.

2. Due to pollution, there may be changes in heart rate, which may cause fluctuations in breathing.

3. The risk of heart attack also increases due to pollution.

4. Air pollution can cause high blood pressure.

5. Heart muscles can become weak due to air pollution.

6. Due to air pollution, patients may have trouble breathing.

7. Heart patients may experience fatigue and weakness due to pollution.

How to protect heart health from air pollution

1. Try to breathe clean air.

2. Wear a mask

3. Try to clean the air inside the house.

4. Do exercise and yoga.

5. Follow a healthy diet.

6. Manage stress.

7. Get checked regularly.

Based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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